LJMU Drug Related Deaths Conference 2025

Drug Related Deaths Conference 2025

DRD Conference 2025

The LJMU Drug Related Deaths Conference 2025 will take place online on Friday 28th March (09:00-17:00).

This full day online event will be split into several sessions, with presentations and Q&A sessions. Delegates are free to drop in and out of sessions of particular interest to themselves or stay online for the whole event. Details including presentation topics and speaker bio's are available below.

If you're able to join using the Microsoft Teams App you will have the best experience. Alternatively if joining with the ‘web-browser’ version of Teams we recommend using either the Microsoft 'Edge' or Google 'Chrome' browsers. We are expecting that some sessions during the day will be close to full capacity, so there will also be a 'Live Stream' option for anyone unable to join the Teams Webinar.

Whilst we can't provide detailed technical support for attendees, if you need to contact us please use this email and we'll do our best to help you PHImonitoring@ljmu.ac.uk.

Register for this free event here:
Register to attend

  Conference Speakers
Conference welcome 9:00

Mark Whitfield, Liverpool John Moores University

Welcome and housekeeping

Professor Mark Power, Liverpool John Moores University

Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive LJMU - Opening comments

 Mark's bio...

Session 1 9:10 - 10:30

Pete Burkinshaw, Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)

Preventing drug deaths in England: enhanced surveillance and action

Professor Rick Lines, Public Health Wales

National updates: Wales

Elinor Dickie, Public Health Scotland

What’s on the RADAR? Scotland’s multi-agency drugs early warning system and action to prevent drug harms

Ian Craig & John Hughes, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency

Drug-related and drug misuse deaths in Northern Ireland: Trends and the socio-economic landscape

Session 2 10:40 - 12:00

Chris Rintoul (Cranstoun), Jon Findlay (Waythrough), Peter Furlong (Change Grow Live), Deb Hussey (Turning Point), Maddie O’Hare (HIT)

Stayin’ Alive Plans: Collaborating to prevent deaths involving nitazenes in the UK

Lynn Macdonald & Dan Daly, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

'The Thistle' Glasgow, the UK's first safer drug consumption facility

Professor Alex Stevens, University of Sheffield

Overdose prevention centres as spaces of safety, trust and inclusion: a realist review

We are on BlueSky, if you post about this event please include the tag #DRDevent

Session 3 12:30 - 13:50

Professor Aileen O'Gorman, University of the West of Scotland

A Social Determinants of Health analysis of drug-related deaths

Dr Caroline Copeland, King's College London

International drug legislations and their impact on drug-related deaths

Sue McCutcheon, Cranstoun

Dynamic Evolving Model of Outreach

Session 4 14:00 - 14:40

Dr Nabarun Dasgupta, University of North Carolina

Are overdoses in the United States down and why?

Session 5 14:50 - 16:00

Jon Shorrock, ITSPOON

International Technology Solutions to Prevent Opiate Overdose Network (ITSPOON)

Professor Anne Campbell, Queen's University Belfast

Wearable device technology

Dr Paul Royall, King’s College London

In-Time-Naloxone: Drones for prehospital care of opioid poisoning

Professor Catriona Matheson, University of Stirling

Smartphone apps for remote supervision of drug use

Session 6 16:10 - 17:00

Rhys Ash, North West Ambulance Service NHS

Non-fatal opiate overdose pathway, North West Ambulance Service.

Dr Judith Yates, Doctors for Drug Policy Reform (D4DPR)

  Poster Presentations  (click posters to view)

  Conference live stream

Conference live stream

This conference will take place as a Microsoft Teams webinar, but in the event that the webinar reaches capacity, or for anyone who can't access MS Teams the presentations are also being streamed.

If required please use this link to open the stream in YouTube .

During the conference the YouTube chat option will also be enabled for anyone who wants to particpate or ask questions via that route.

  Presentations - shared links and resources

'The Thistle' Glasgow's Safer Drug Consumption Facility  https://glasgowcity.hscp.scot/sdcf

HIT article: Stayin’ Alive


  Resources and networking

We hope that the chat area of this conference will present an opportunity for networking and resource sharing, after the event we will share links and notes here. If you have anything you'd like to add to this page please email us.

  Microsoft Teams

This conference is a Microsoft Teams Webinar. Here are some of our Tips...

For the best experience use the Microsoft Teams Desktop App.

  • You will see speakers in addition to any presentation slides.

If you are using the ‘web browser’ version of Teams you will have a different experience.

  • You may only see the presentation slides.
  • You can still hear audio, and contribute in the chat.

Question & Answer sessions:

  • We are using the Vevox App during this conference, where you may submit questions and view what others are asking.

Technical help

  • Whilst we can't provide detailed technical support for attendees, if you need to contact us please use this email PHImonitoring@ljmu.ac.uk and we'll do our best to help you.

If you would like to contribute during the Q&A sessions, please raise your hand.

  • We can then allow you to unmute yourself.
  • If you are brought into discussion you can enable your mic and camera.

For all attendees:

  • Please use the chat for general discussion.
  • Use the reactions to respond to presentations and discussions.

Presentations online.

  • The presentations and a recording of this webinar will be available on this website shortly after the event.

Conference live stream.

  • We expect that some of the sessions will be close to full capacity. If the webinar is full, or if any problems accessing MS Teams, please view the Live Stream via YouTube.


Many of our speakers are active on Bluesky.

If you want to post about this event please remember to include the tag #DRDevent

  Previous themes and discussion topics have included:


How has this changed the offer from services and what will we keep going forward?

Mental Health

What are the barriers to people who use drugs (PWUD) receiving quality mental health care?


How can we keep the homeless population safe from overdose?


What can we be done about increased deaths from controlled medications?

End of Life care / Bereavement

Are PWUD receiving a consistent level of care and what support is there for those left behind?

Legal status

What can be done at a local level to make a difference?


How can we protect people who use drugs from overdose on their release from prison?


How can we ensure it is freely available to those who need it?